
Component isolation

whyframe allows you to develop components in isolation by simply wrapping it with an iframe.

<iframe data-why>
  I am isolated

It works by extracting HTML within the iframe as a separate module. Side effects like scripts and styles are also extracted alongside. See How it works for more details.

Due to it’s naiveness, it may over extract scripts and styles that could cause compile-time or runtime warnings. Plus, since the HTML surrounding the iframe is removed, scripts that reference them may throw an error.

To prevent this, make sure your code have proper null-handling when accessing potentially removed HTML elements. This may improve in the future with better preliminary dead-code elimination.

HTML source

whyframe relies on plain iframe src to render the template HTML, which later relies on a special whyframe:app module to inject the isolated iframe HTML. You can specify any HTML source:

<iframe data-why src="/somewhere/else.html">
  I am still isolated

To have the isolated iframe HTML “teleport” into /somewhere/else.html, the template HTML needs JavaScript that imports whyframe:app to bridge it. The import should be processed by the bundler so it can be properly resolved:

import { createApp } from 'whyframe:app'
// if a `<div id="app">` exists in the template HTML

To avoid repeatedly specifying the same src, you can set @whyframe/core’s defaultSrc option to set a fallback when a src attribute isn’t specified:

export default {
  plugins: [
      defaultSrc: '/somewhere/else.html'

For some integrations like Vite, SvelteKit, and Docusaurus, a defaultSrc is provided out-of-the-box, so no template HTML setup is necessary!

To get types for whyframe:app, you can add …

/// <reference types="@whyframe/core/global" />`

… to the global.d.ts or vite-env.d.ts file in your project.

Source code

To provide a “write this code to acheive this UI” hint, whyframe is able to extract the raw source code within the iframe for display.

This feature is disabled by default as it introduces non-treeshake-able code. You can enable it in iframes with data-why-show-source:

<iframe data-why data-why-show-source>
  I am a source code

And it can be retrieved with getWhyframeSource():

  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { getWhyframeSource } from '@whyframe/core/utils'

  let iframe = null
  let source = ''

  onMount(() => {
    source = getWhyframeSource(iframe)

<iframe bind:this="{iframe}" data-why data-why-show-source>
  I am a source code


Abstracting components

Sometimes you have an iframe that you’d like to abstract out as a component using your UI framework of choice. This can be handy to group interactions and state with the iframe to build a Story component, or a meta-framework using whyframe.

<!-- Story.svelte -->
  export let title = 'iframe'
  export let src = undefined

<iframe data-why {title} {src}>
  <slot />

<slot /> being a direct children of iframe is required for whyframe to detect this abstraction. In JSX terms, it should be {*.children} or {children}.

Since the user will be using <Story /> as is, without a data-why to signal whyframe to take special care, these components need to be registered in @whyframe/core’s components option:

export default {
  plugins: [
      components: [{ name: 'Story' }]

<Story /> will now just work!

  I'm in an iframe

Remote procedure call

As interacting between an iframe and the current page is a common usecase, @whyframe/core/utils provides a generic createIframeRpc() function to connect between the two.

In the current page:

  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { createIframeRpc } from '@whyframe/core/utils'

  let iframe = null

  onMount(() => {
    const rpc = createIframeRpc(iframe)
    rpc.send('ping', { msg: 'hello world' })

<iframe bind:this="{iframe}" data-why src="/frames/default.html">
  Talk to me

In the iframe page, for example a JS file imported by /frames/default.html:

import { createIframeRpc } from '@whyframe/core/utils'

const rpc = createIframeRpc()

rpc.on('ping', (data) => {
  console.log(data.msg) // hello world